Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Creative Expression or Mere Mischief? Team Reck's Vlogs

by Maureen Googoo
A group of teens in New York's Washington Heights who call themselves Team Reck have posted around 40 videos on YouTube, from relatively sedate dance routines to practical jokes that some say go too far. The energetic youths are taking advantage of readily available technology to share their camaraderie and antics with the world. But what is the result? "Sometimes, you cross the line and you don’t realize it. There’s a point when it’s funny and there’s a point when it’s not. And what they did was not funny at all," said local community leader George Espinal. Critics worry about the effects of what they call such anti-social behavior, and fear content-sharing sites may exacerbate the problem.
-Interested in Maureen Googoo's article? Contact her at